Concept of Data Structure
A data type can be defined as set of values and set of operations which are permissible on those values.
For example, an integer data type in C language can have range ( -32768 to 32767) and set of operations +, – , * ,  , % etc. 
Data type can be classified into two categories:
1. Primitive data type are also known as predefined or basic data types. These data types may be different for different languages.
For example, in C language, the primitive data types for storing the integer values are int , long , short and for storing the real values are float , double and long double.
2. Abstract data types
It is necessary to understand the concept of Abstract and data type separately. The term abstract stands for considering apart from the detailed specification.
Data type as mentioned earlier is the set of values and set of operations that are permissible on those values.
Abstract data types uses the following principles:
Encapsulation: Providing the data and operations on the data in as single unit.
Abstraction: Hiding the detail of implementation – a class in c++ or i java exhibits what it does through its methods but the detail is hidden from the user.
Data Structure Vs File organization
The file organization is the study of storing the data records into the files. There are various file organization techniques like sequential organization , random file organization and indexed file organization. These file organization techniques differ in record sequencing and retrieval methods used.
A data structure and a file organization are same but differ in the following aspects:
  • In implementation
  • In access Methods
  • Data structure are thought of as in main memory like RAM and file organization as in auxiliary storage like disks.



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