1. The postfix expression AB+CD–* can be evaluated using a


2. Consider the following pseudo code segment :
for i1:= l to n
for i2:= 1 to i1
for im:= 1 to im–1
K:= K+1
The value of K after the execution of this code shall be


3. The post order traversal of a binary tree is DEBFCA. Find out the preorder traversal.


4. Which command is the fastest among the following ?


5. Page Shift Keying (PSK) Method is used to modulate digital signal at 9600 bps using 16 level. Find the line signals and speed (i.e. modulation rate).


6. The command that unix offers to a user to find out whether he can send messages to a particular terminal are


7. If the user has read a news item he cannot read it again because of creation of the file


8. Which of the following is true related to ‘Satisfiable’ property?


9. Different learning methods does not include


10. What is Transposition rule?


11. The worst type of coupling is


12. SRS is also known as specification of


13. Modifying the software to match changes in the ever changing environment is called


14. Three dimensional computer graphics become effective In the late


15. The brightness of each pixel is


16. Given the language L-{ab, aa, baa}, which of the following strings are in L*?

1) abaabaaabaa

2) aaaabaaaa

3) baaaaabaaaab

4) baaaaabaa


17. Consider the following grammar.

S ::= AB

A ::= a

A ::= BaB

B ::= bbA

Which of the following is false?


18. If every string of a language can be determined whether it is legal or illegal in finite time the language is called 


19. Assume statements S1 and S2 defined as :

S1 : L2-L1 is recursive enumerable where L1 and L2 are recursive and recursive enumerable respectively.

S2 : The set of all Turing machines is countable.

Which of the following is true ?


20. TM is more powerful than FSM because


21. The language of all words(made up of a’s and b’s) with at least two a’s can be described by the regular expression


22. Set of regular languages over a given alphabet set, is not closed under


23. Set of regular languages over a given alphabet set, is not closed under


24. What is the output of the following program?

main ( )

{ int x = 2, y = 5;

if (x < y) return (x = x+y); else printf (“z1”);




25. If x is one dimensional array, then pick up the correct answer


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