GATE CBSE NET COMPUTER SCIENCE MOCK TEST 4 1. Which of the following data structure is Non-linear type? (A) Strings (B) Lists (C) Stacks (D) None of the above 2. Which of the following is a bad example of recursion? (A) Factorial (B) Fibonacci numbers (C) Tower of Hanoi (D) Tree traversal 3. BCC in the internet refers to (A) Black carbon copy (B) Blind carbon copy (C) Blank carbon copy (D) Beautiful carbon copy 4. A station in a network in a network forward incoming packets by placing them on its shortest output queue. What routing algorithm is being used? A) Hot potato routing (B) Flooding (C) Static routing (D) Delta routing 5. McCabe’s cyclomatic metric V(G) of a graph G with n vertices, e edges and p connected component is (A) e (B) n (C) e – n + p (D) e – n + 2p 6. Design recovery from source code is done during (A) reverse engineering (B) re-engineering (C) reuse (D) all of the above 7. The post order traversal of a binary tree is DEBFCA. Find out the preorder traversal. (A) ABFCDE (B) ADBFEC (C) ABDECF (D) ABDCEF 8. The maximum amount of information that is available in one portion of the disk access arm for a removal disk pack (without further movement of the arm with multiple heads) (A) a plate of data (B) a cylinder of data (C) a track of data (D) a block of data 9. X – = Y + 1 means (A) X = X – Y + 1 (B) X = –X – Y – 1 (C) X = –X + Y + 1 (D) = X – Y – 1 10. The absorption law in Boolean algebra say that (A) X + X = X (B) X . X = X (C) x + x . y = x (D) None of the above 11. The number of 1’s present in the binary representation of 10 × 256 + 5 × 16 + 5 is (A) 5 (B) 6 (C) 7 (D) 8 12. The hexadecimal number equivalent to (1762.46)8 is (A) 3F2.89 (B) 3F2.98 (C) 2F3.89 (D) 2F3.98 13. What features make C++ so powerful ? (A) Easy implementation (B) Reusing old code (C) to help define friend function (D) All of the above 14. A transaction can include following basic database access operations : (A) Read_item(X) (B) Write_item(X) (C) Both (A) and (B) (D) None of these 15. If carrier modulated by a digital bit stream, has one one of the possible phase of 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees, then modulation called (A) BPSK (B) QPSK (C) QAM (D) MSK Loading …