1. Read the passage and answer the following question.

Jupiter has 2.5 times more mass than all the other planets of the solar system combined and is 11 times as large as Earth in diameter. Jupiter is so large that scientists believe it almost became a star: as the gasses and dust contracted to the form the planet, gravitational forces created tremendous pressure and the temperature inside the core—as high as tens of thousands of degrees. But there was not enough mass available to create the temperature needed to start a fusion reaction such as that of the Sun (above 27,000,000 Fahrenheit, or 15,000,000 Celsius, at the Sun’s core); thus Jupiter has been cooling down ever since. Even so, Jupiter radiates about as much heat as it receives from the Sun.

Ques 1. The passage is mainly concerned with


2. A new ‘super-Earth’ has been discovered that could have a life-supporting climate and water. The planet, given the catchy name HD 40307g, was discovered in a multi-world solar system 42 light years from the Sun and lies at exactly the right distance from its star to allow liquid surface water. It orbits well within the star’s “habitable” or “Goldilocks” zone – the region where temperatures are neither too hot nor too cold to sustain life.

Professor Hugh Jones, from the University of Hertfordshire said: “The longer orbit of the new planet means that its climate and atmosphere may be just right to support life. Just as Goldilocks liked her porridge to be neither too hot nor too cold but just right, this planet or indeed any moons that is has lie in an orbit comparable to Earth, increasing the probability of it being habitable.” The ‘super earth’ is one of six planets believed to circle the dwarf star HD 40307 in the constellation Pictor. All the others are located outside the habitable zone, too close to their parent star to support liquid water.

Why is it thought that the planet may be able to support life?


3. Stump-Up was invented in 1986 by Tokyo Beverages Owner Okawa Bhery. The name for the product was actually proposed by Okawa’s assistant, Fizzy Brewndon. The name was taken from the two most unusual ingredients in the drink, the Canadian banana leaf and the Asian stump root. The recipe for today’s Stump-Up is very well guarded. Many of the ingredients are known; in addition to banana leaves and stump root, they include strawberry, cocoa, lemon, cinnamon, nuts, vanilla, caramel, salts and sugar. The proportions of the ingredients and the identity of Stump’s secret ingredients are known by only a few of the Stump-Up Company’s very senior scientists and Vice-Presidents.

Ques 2. It can be inferred from the passage that


4. The attitude of the scientific community towards the unconscious mind has shifted dramatically in recent years. While once viewed as a lazy reservoir of memories and non-task oriented behaviour, the unconscious is now regarded as an active and essential component in the processes of decision making.

Historically, the unconscious mind was considered to be the source of dreams and implicit memory (which allows people to walk or ride a bicycle without consciously thinking about the activity), as well as the storing place for memories of past experiences. But recent research reveals that the unconscious brain might also be an active player in decision-making, problem-solving, creativity and critical thinking. One familiar example of the operation of the unconscious in problem-solving is the well-known phenomenon of the “eureka moment” when a solution to a problem presents itself without the involvement of active thinking.


What would be the most suitable title for the passage?


5. Grossly misunderstood and represented as a revolutionary, liberal, Romantic, and bohemian artist, Rembrandt has lived for over 400 years now through his art. During this time period, many views and opinions have oscillated from praise to scathing remarks and vice versa.

The extent of Rembrandt’s fame can be understood by the following incident: in the year 1670, the Sicilian collector Antonio Ruffo received a letter from the artist Abraham Breughel with a request to get some original masterpieces from Italy. Ruffo had to apologize stating that no painter had been able to exhibit an ability to paint as extraordinary as Rembrandt, who had already died by then.

Ques 1. Which of the following, most accurately summarizes the opinion of the author in the text?


6. By 1784, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was internationally renowned as the composer of The Marriage of Figaro, and consequently received a commission from the Prague Opera House to compose another opera.

The resulting product was Don Giovanni, which tells the tale of a criminal and seducer who nevertheless evokes sympathy from audiences, and whose behavior fluctuates from moral crisis to hilarious escapade.

While Don Giovanni is widely considered to be Mozart’s greatest achievement, eighteenth century audiences in Vienna — Mozart’s own city — were ambivalent at best. The opera mixed traditions of moralism with those of comedy — a practice heretofore unknown among the composer’s works — creating a production that was not well liked by conservative Viennese audiences. Meanwhile, however, Don Giovanni was performed to much acclaim throughout Europe.

The primary purpose of the passage is to


Question 1 of 6