1) To find the block size on your file system the command is
- Blksz
- Szblk
- Chksz
- Cmchk
2) Each entry in inode table is of size
- 64 kb
- 32kb
- 32 bytes
- 64 bytes
3) The program contained in boot block, that loads kernel into memory is called
- Disk Bootstrap program
- Master boot program
- Shell program
- None of the above
4) The state of the file system is contained in
- Boot block
- A special block created by Book Block
- Super Block
- None of the above
5) Which file gets executed when we use the passwd command
- /etc/passwd
- /etc/pwd
- /bin/passwd
- /passwd
6) The command cal j 1997 would give the output as
- The calendar of jan, june and july 1997
- Only calendar of jan 1997
- An error
- None of the above
7) The output of command banner “Unix shell programming” would be
- A banner showing ‘unix’,’shell’ and ‘programming’ words displayed in separate lines
- A banner showing ‘unix shell’ in one single line
- Nothing
- A banner showing ‘unix shell programming’ in one line.
8) To see the last access time of various files in a file system the command is
- Is-Iu
- Is-I
- Is-acc
- Is-mt
9) To ascertain what are the contents of the file in your the system the best way would be
- Do a cat command on each file and find its contents
- Use the command cat*
- Use the command file*
- None of the above
10) Which of these is not a command of Unix related with DOS
- Dosdir a:proj
- Doscopy trial a:/
- Doscp/HOME/Proj/Prg a:/
- Dosls
Correct Answers
- D
- D
- A
- C
- C
- C
- B
- A
- C
- B