Many people think that region affects successful person.

Greatness is the journey which begins with impossible and turns into the unforgettable. Many factors such as positive attitude, determination and confidence play an intrinsic role and are responsible for the success of any person. But the factor like the environment in which the person has grown up can be taken as the considerable one. There are the contradictory opinions expresses by the millions that whether the native place affects successful person’s career or not? But the above statement is not entirely feasible for me which I will explore in the following paragraphs.

To begin with, the native environment plays an imperative role in inculcating traits, leadership, and social skills, in us. Moreover, the family background, neighbors, and teachers attitude have large influence on our characteristics also. For instance, the Mahatma Gandhi, famous Indian leader, received his leadership qualities from the people with whom he spent his childhood. on the other hand, leaving one’s own native place is sometimes found to be helpful as better opportunities and resources are available for their success, How can we think of rejuvenating ourselves if we do not explore and express by visiting and meeting others?

On the flip side, it is not only the region which has an impact on the attitude of a person. the right kind of attitude, pleasing personality, patience, and good habits turns anyone’s normal life into the successful career. Some accomplished person also has an impact on the growth and development of the native region. In addition, growth of the native region in terms of economic, infrastructure and social levels depends largely on the person who is the head of the region. For example, Narinder Modi. when he was in power, he worked a lot for his native town, Gujarat.

In recapitulation, it can be said that although region plays a pivotal role in the success of any person yet, others factors are also important and should not be marginalized under any circumstance.

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