Some people think that placing advertisements in schools is a great source for public schools that need additional funding

In this competitive, advertisements are becoming prime source of business which contributes to the generation of large amount of funds for any Corporation like schools. However, some believe that schools are not the appropriate place for placing commercial name of extra font collection. While others believe that advertisements have become necessary and can be placed anywhere. This actually seems to be feasible to me which I will explain in the following paragraphs.

To begin with, the first and foremost thing which comes in my mind is that advertisements always distract the juveniles as they have no controlling powes. Secondly, it also hampers that psychological aspect of the children, therefore, they might not concentrate on study and may divert towards the colourful advertisements. Last but not the least, commercial emerges a desire for buying the products and if one is not able to buy the products, he might indulge in some illicit activities. Children children are like wet cement, anything falls on them makes a deep impression.

On the flip side, advertisement in schools can also be taken as the good source of funding if funds fall short. Therefore, it can help in acquiring better equipment and infrastructure for the school and the children. In addition, sometimes Funds gained from commercial help in getting better faculty for the students. The funds generated by the advertisements can help the school to build laboratories and libraries. Some schools opt to choose this way to increase your income and wealth of the school but the negative effects of placing advertisements should not be sidelined under the present scenario.
Hammering on the last nail, I would like to draw curtain by saying that the liberation is required on this issue and advertisements should be strictly banned in and around schools. We should ensure a good and quiet place for kids to study.




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